Individual Sessions
Deep Relaxation Journey
סשן אישי או זוגי, הנמשך 3 שעות שכל מטרתו להביא לרגיעה עמוקה באמצעות עבודה עם הגוף הנשימה וקשירת חבלים בסגנון 4 האלנטים.
Relese & Awake 1 0n 1 Session
Releasing tension and awakening life force energy
A 1 on 1 session that aims to dissolve tensions from your body, sReleasing tension and awakening life force energy and bring you back to your body, to aliveness and peace by working with the body, breathing and the life energy system, bio energy, emotional release and emotional expression and de-armoring.
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Tantric Journey
1 on 1 full process
I invite you to embark on a journey towards a connection to life, aliveness, vitality, pleasure, love and joy that include all of who you are without leaving any part behind. A journey to an ecstatic and vibrating life from a complete life experience in which there is a place for your animality and your humanity in its multitude of shades towards your essence, that which is beyond the body and time.
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